Friday, December 23, 2011

No Santa here--Don't Judge Us

I'll tell you when....

When your kids have a friend spending the night and you are telling them all the real story of Saint Nick and said friend raises his hand, one sentence in and says
"uhh, wait, how is this possible? he's been living for that many years?"

I stood there...
(see this is why I never allowed the belief in Santa Claus)

Ok now, first of all, this kid is 10 but he looks like hes 13. He is Zak's best friend but he's here so much that he has become family...he is like my kid and he fits in with all the boys. In fact, he is in the best friend/brother category to all of them really.
How did he not know?
I immediately stopped talking and said I wasn't going to finish with the story and Ku in absolute shock was asking him if he was being serious.
Ku says, "Do you really believe in Santa, dude? Like....Really??"
Lucas said, "well uhh I did, until you said it that way and now I'm second."

He went on to ask a list of questions...
1-does santa's workshop exist?
2-is there a north pole?
3-are their such things as reindeer?
and my personal favorite
(which occurred as we were all laying down for bed, camped out in the living room)
4-"so, wait, umm...if santa isn't real, then who eats the cookies and all the carrots?"

My oldest splurts out
"omg no way!! are you saying you leave out carrots for the reindeers too?"
At this moment I am thinking, omg I have raised "mean" kids! Why are they all laughing???
I threatened to take every single present back if they didn't stop, and by this time Lucas himself was laughing's not funny!

Someone help me!
What am I going to tell his mother!
"Um, gee, Jules, I told Lucas that you've been lying to him this year...I have made your youngest child to believe that Santa doesnt exist!!"

So now I am going to have to find a way to tell her.

I've always used this time of year to dwell on our faith and it's a pretty deep thing here (not that santa isn't...and please know that i am NOT bashing parents who do santa...I think it's a very cute tradition but for me and my kids it's a very deep religious thing because that's how it was for me growing up and it was always really special, plus I have a fear of my children being let down because of a huge lie I built....thats why I'm so devastated that I've done that to Poor Lucas and Julie!)

So now I will have to live with the fact that I ruined Christmas AND single-handedly destroyed his trust in his family all together!
Just great!!

I cant wait til Christmas is over
I love this holiday but WOW! It's been a year, I'll tell ya that